Owner responsible for this website
Raindl GmbH
Raindl 49
I-39020 Val Senales/Alto Adige
Legal representative: Benjamin Raffeiner
Share capital: € 10.000,-
Vat No 03066530217
T: +39 0473 679131
Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council
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This website is a creation of Bagasch - Atelier für Reklame
Concept | coordination | text
Bagasch - Atelier für Reklame
Kirchgasse 4
39032 Campo Tures - South Tyrol
+39 347 250 68 51
info@bagasch.com - www.bagasch.com
Webdesign | programming
hantha. Web Performance Experts
Dick 48/B - 39058 Sarntal
South Tyrol - Italy
- bennoprenn.photo, klauspeterlin.com, Marrick Media House, Andreas Marini
- Tourist board / IDM: Peter Santer, Stefan Schütz, Alex Filz, Thomas Grüner, Jana Perfler, Harald Wisthaler, Tanja Santer, Matt Cherubino, Bernd Ritschel, Martin, Rattini, Martin Zimmerhofer, Hubert Grüner, Helmuth Rier, Thomas Grüner, Marion Lafogler, Gudrun Muschalla, Katerina Fiser
- Unsplash: Martin Dalsgaard, Markus Spiske