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Smart-Info Oberraindlhof

Here you get all the important information about your holiday at the Oberraindlhof.

Hotel Information A-Z

Souvenirs Oberraindlhof

Information about the Senales Valley


You want to surprise your loved ones? We will help you!
> Bouquet of flowers: € 30,00
> Cake, medium size: € 32,00
> Prosecco in the room: € 25,00


"Thank you" dear guests for new guests!
Do you have friends or acquaintances who have never been to the Oberraindlhof? Then it's high time!
For this you will get a reward from us:
For each double room that is booked for a week through your recommendation, you will receive a credit of € 25.00, which you can redeem for your next vacation at the Oberraindlhof.
Your friends should simply give the name of "the recommenders" before departure.
After the vacation of your acquaintances in the Oberraindlhof we will send you the voucher.